Saturday, November 22, 2003

mood: happy

hahaz, okie... just came back from lunch with lyn. Hmm, had choir from 8.30 till 10.30, then com. meeting until around 12 plus i think... that's so early!! Today's my 'dear' cousin Zhiren's birthday and we wanted to go out together today. Then I was supposed to have com. meeting so I decided to change it to another day. Not that I have anything against com. meeting, but I was expecting it to end around 5 plus because i thought we would first go to airport to have lunch until maybe 1, then have the com. meeting until 5! So now, even if i want to meet the cousins, I can't since minqi is already not free (she's going to layer her hair =D). So we're still stuck on tuesday. Yeah.

Umm, then after com. meeting i went with lyn to lunch at BK in eastpoint, then we walked around discussing what to give to the seniors for farewell. Hmm, I really need to get down to doing it soon, otherwise I'll have nothing to give... argh!!

I'm feeling a bit guilty now because I promised my mum I'd finish all my homework by end Nov but I haven't started yet!!! I think it'll be quite impossible for me to finish all my homework eh? Oh well, gotta try anyway... wish me all the best!!!